Welcome to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) Electronic Payment Service.
This site will allow you to pay your certification, duplicate certificate and renewal fees online after you submit your application. Our goal is to increase customer service by providing multiple options to submit any necessary fees to the EPSB.
Regarding Fees and Refunds:
A $2.00 service fee will be added to the each transaction.
Please also note that a $10 processing fee will be retained for certificates that cannot be issued.
For more information regarding fees and options
Click here
New User:
If you are a new user, you must obtain a user name and password, and can do so here:
New User Registration
Start Electronic Payment Process:
Enter your user name and password at:
in the log in box.
Once logged in, you can click on the Pay Certification Fee (E-Pay) button.
Click the box for required certification application type and follow the E-Pay wizard.
Have ready your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card.
For Assistance:
If you already have a user name and password but have forgotten either, go to the
Log in Page
and click on the:
Reset Account
Additional assistance may be obtained by contacting the EPSB help desk at
or by e-mail:
When you contact us, we will need the following information to reset your password:
last four digits
of your social security number only (please do not supply the entire number to protect your security).
Your full name.
Your birth date.
EPSB Recommendation:
We strongly encourage
new users
to view our slide shows to see the registration and EPSB Electronic Payment processes.
EPSB Registration Process Slide Show for New User
E-Pay Slide Show
Are you ready to go to E-Pay?
Certification Fees
One-Year Certificate
No Charge
Statement of Eligibility
No Charge
Renew Statement of Eligibility
Five-Year Substitute Certificate (or Additional payment needed)
Duplicate Certificate (official copy)
Extension of One-Year Certificate
after KTIP year**
Rank Change
Adding Area(s) of Certification
Regular 5-Year Certificate (initial or renewal)*
Synchronization option for aligning multiple certifications (must meet applicable renewal requirements)
Miscellaneous (Only used as requested by the Division of Certification)
*Renewal includes all previously approved certifications and endorsements
** Applicants who have recently completed the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) and are applying for their first Professional Certificate shall submit $50. Four year extensions are also issued after a teacher has been issued a one-year certificate based on recency of preparation.